Deadringer Stream Rules & FAQ

Stream Rules

  • Don't trauma dump severe personal issues into the chat without warning.

  • Links cannot be posted into the chat, ask if others would like to be sent them in dm's.

  • Do not harass myself other viewers regarding the stream format or the Wheelspins (I.e Don't count how much they spend, complain that they don't pick what you want to see, complain about 'gambling addictions'.)

  • Do not tell me in detail if something I've drawn makes you horny.

  • Do not ERP in the chatroom, period, and do not try to ERP with me. (Ie "What would he do to me ; )?" )

  • NOTE: Enjoying the art is fine. Appreciating a tf or saying you really like something or that you're into it is fine. Commenting on a character being hot or handsome is fine. Just don't be explicit.

  • Regarding Wheel Slots

  • Don't tell me exactly what you want to see in a wheelspin.

  • Don't tell me more than I ask for regarding a wheelspin, unless you are telling me about what you do not want included for your own comfort.

  • Do not make me pick your character for you when you win a wheelspin.

  • Do not put your name up for a spin and then leave the stream. If you win the spot and are not there to claim it I will give it to someone else.

  • While you can choose the character you would like to use after you've chosen the tf, you must have the refs for this character on hand.

  • When you win a slot you must read, agree too and fill out the provided google form. It includes my TOS. Nothing will be drawn until it is filled.

  • I do not have to post anything I draw for you during a stream. You are more than welcome to post anything you've commissioned from me yourself if you so choose.

  • I will not begin drawing until the form is completed and payment is sent.

  • If it takes longer than 15 minutes between winning your slot, filling the form and sending me payment I will give the slot to someone else.

  • If you are not in the stream to answer a questions after winning a slot I will not be able to wait for you and will go ahead with the drawing. Edits will not be made once the picture is sent.

  • I will tag you in a post unless you ask me not to, I hold the right to post anything I draw during a stream should I choose to.


  • How long are spins/when do they happen? Each spin slot is timed to 1 or 1:30 hours depending on whether it's a 1 or 2 part.I will do a new spin at the end of these timers and announce it verbally on stream.

  • Can I merge two options on the wheel? No, I need to be able to do these will within the time limit and I tend to go for concept anyhow.

  • How do I get a spin? Whenever I start a new spin I will ask for 'Awoo's' in the chat. I will take the names of people that put the Awoo emoji in the chat and randomly select one to win the slot via the wheel.

  • Can I reserve a spin ahead of time? No. Spins are given at random and only during stream. People can only win one spin per stream.

  • Can I grab a spin outside of the stream? No. Spins are discounted 50% off my standard price and are only done during stream as an event. If you would like to commission me for a specific tf then keep an eye out for when I open slots : ).

  • How do I pay for a spin? Payment is done in USD Via a link to my KOFI using paypal. Do not send payment until you have filled the form and I have accepted the provided character.

  • How many spins do you do? I try to do 7 every stream but it ultimately depends on time as each takes 1 hour minimum.

  • Can I make my spin explicit? It is not guaranteed but if you ask for explicit content early in the timer I can try to work it in with a bulge at least or a visible dick at most. I'm not that interested in explicit sex.

  • Can I grab a spin for someone else? Due to the nsfw nature of these you cannot do a spin with someone elses character unless they are in stream to give permission.

  • How often do these streams happen? They happen every weekend! Rotating saturdays and sundays. The wheel rotates it's tf's every saturday.